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Standing Naked In Public
Standing Naked In Public Read online
By Karli Keefe
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© 2011 Karli Keefe. All rights reserved.
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First published by AuthorHouse 3/10/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4567-5306-1 (e)
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“I hate red carpet events,” Kate professed. “Another ten minutes before this phony shitfest begins.”
“Come on girl, you’re bringing me down. I love working these gigs. Stop complainin’,” Andre, a security guard for the Academy Awards, said as he wiped droplets of sweat from his forehead with a cocktail napkin. “I just wish it wasn’t so fuckin’ hot out.”
“How on earth can you love this? Everyone is so fucking phony. And please don’t get me started on those vultures,” Kate said, motioning her head toward the frenzied crowd of photographers gathered by the red carpet entrance to the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood and Highland.
“Wait a minute. Aren’t you the paparazzi?” Andre asked, raising his eyebrow.
Kate was irritated by Andre’s insinuation. “You know I’m not like them. Look at them. They’re blood-thirsty maniacs.”
Andre laughed, “I knew that’d get you going.”
“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” Kate snickered. She looked at Andre and wondered if anyone would dare try to pummel their way through his six foot ten inch, three hundred pound powerhouse body. He was a rock solid human security wall.
A man’s voice blared from Andre’s walkie-talkie. “Yo, Andre. Where are you?” the man asked.
“Over by the press area. Why?” Andre seemed annoyed that someone was questioning his whereabouts.
“I need you to cover for me up front for a minute,” the man requested.
“Be there in a sec,” Andre replied. He turned to Kate and said, “This will only take a few minutes. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. Squeeze into the press crowd. As soon as you see me, get my attention. I’ll make sure you get a front row spot.”
“You’re definitely coming back this way, right?” Kate was concerned Andre wouldn’t return in time to help her secure an unobstructed view of the red carpet. After all, he did abandon her at the Emmy Awards last year.
“I promise I’ll take care of you. I’ll find someone to cover for me,” Andre assured her as he adjusted his crooked bow tie.
“You owe me for disappearing at the Emmy’s. I was stuck in no man’s land. I only had one money-shot that day,” Kate reminded him in a demanding, yet teasing tone.
“Are you ever gonna live that down? You know there was a security breach—no—a death threat I had to respond to.”
“Well, who is to say that won’t happen again? Huh?” Kate loved teasing Andre.
“You’re driving me nuts, Kate,” Andre said as he began to push his way through an excited group of onlookers to make his way to the front gate. “I promise I’ll hook you up,” he hollered back to Kate.
“Just keep an eye out for me,” Kate yelled back to him. She glanced at her Cartier tank watch and realized she’d better start heading over to the press area.
God I hate doing this. Why do I subject myself to this torture? Kate asked herself. This was Kate’s least favorite thing to do—photographing celebrities at their phoniest. She wasn’t like the other photographers. The other photographers, or rather, the “paparazzi”, loved the Academy Awards so much you’d think they were having an orgasm every time they clicked their cameras. Kate felt a world apart from her colleagues. She was probably the only celebrity photographer who hated the Academy Awards—and every other red carpet event.
As she approached the rear of the press corps, Kate reminded herself of the large sum of money she’d get for today’s photos. It was a tight race for Best Actress and photographs of any of the five nominees would fetch a high bid.
Photo editors salivated over the opportunity to purchase Kate’s photos. She possessed a talent for capturing celebrities’ better sides on print. Some celebrities were beautiful in person and on film, but appeared mediocre on print. Mediocre photos didn’t sell magazines. Beautiful photos of beautiful people sold magazines; unless of course it was a deliberately hurtful article about celebrities with cellulite or celebrities sans makeup.
Kate never hesitated to capitalize on her talent for producing exquisite, eye-grabbing photos. She made it very clear to editors that she owed no allegiance to any particular publication. This gave her carte blanche in negotiating the sale of her photos. Photo editors knew it was all about the money for her and if she had a price in mind, they knew enough to give her what she wanted or she’d surely move on to the next tabloid that would purchase them.
Though it was her most profitable area of expertise, Kate hated the fact that photographing celebrities had become her career. Photojournalism, the kind that impacted society and changed the world, was her true love. She’d much rather be in a third world country reporting on a human rights issue or photographing an endangered animal in need of saving than photograph the wealthy and famous. However, photojournalism didn’t exactly pay the bills, provide for a nest egg, or afford Kate her taste in designer clothes, shoes, and accessories. The only photojournalism assignments that paid well were those that would endanger her life, like wars, natural disasters, or terrorism.
Though Kate longed to donate all of her time and effort to worthwhile causes, she’d become very comfortable and spoiled since making the Los Angeles area her home and photographing celebrities her vocation. Over the past two years, Kate had become increasingly reliant on the large sums of money she earned. She was able to travel anywhere, buy nice things and still have money left over to sock away in retirement and savings accounts. She loved the money, but despised the work that accompanied it.
Kate often fantasized about the day she would have freedom to devote all of her time to “saving the world”. Her life would be close to pe
rfect. Fortunately, that day wasn’t too far off. In a few years she would be financially able to practice photojournalism full-time, thanks to her prudence in the area of saving money. She wouldn’t be wealthy or “set for life” by any means, but comfortable enough to quit photographing artificial people against artificial backgrounds. She’d get the hell out of L.A.
The only thing missing from her life plan was a partner to share in her dreams. Three weeks ago, Kate broke up with her girlfriend of five months, Tami. Tami turned out to be an obsessive, jealous, control freak who Kate added to her list of psycho ex-girlfriends. Kate was beginning to think she may never find her soul mate and often wondered if such a woman even existed. Since breaking up with Tami, Kate thought about completely giving up on her search for true love. She wondered if maybe she was meant to be single and alone.
Earlier, Kate thought about staying home and blowing off the Academy Awards. She really wasn’t up to working in this pandemonium. She knew she’d regret blowing off this moneymaking opportunity, so, to her disdain, was standing on the sidelines of the red carpet entrance to the Academy Awards, fighting with the other photographers for a front row position. It was always a pushing, shoving, obscenity-yelling match amongst the paparazzi at these high profile awards shows. Miraculously, once the celebrities began strutting in, everyone settled into their best behavior, like uniformed school children fearing their headmaster’s approach.
Fortunately, Kate often had an “insider” looking out for her on the red carpet to assure her a front row spot. Kate worked very hard in developing and sustaining key relationships. Schmoozing with editors, publishers, agents, and publicists secured her very beneficial alliances on the red carpet. Plus, it didn’t hurt that she was a tall attractive blonde or that the majority of her colleagues were obnoxious jerks.
Kate was standing in the far rear of the press area when she spotted Andre. She yelled out his name as loud as she could to get his attention.
Andre quickly spotted Kate and held up his finger making a “wait a minute” signal as he spoke into his walkie-talkie.
“Oh, great, wha d’ya know this guy too?” a paparazzo standing next to Kate asked in a nasty tone. Kate didn’t recognize the disgruntled photographer. He, on the other hand, must have remembered her from a previous event and wasn’t pleased that she was about to get special treatment again.
She ignored his comments. She was accustomed to the jealousies and backstabbing this profession spawned.
“Open the line,” Andre commanded of the frenzied group of paparazzi standing directly behind the makeshift miniature hedges, separating the press from the red carpet area.
Kate gleefully observed Andre taking control of the situation. In an apparent act of united protest, none of the paparazzi moved, opting to ignore Andre.
Incensed by their defiance, Andre raised his voice and said, “If you don’t move, I can have every one of you escorted to the back row, or removed entirely. Now move!” Andre was good with scare tactics.
Kate squeezed her way through four rows of photographers but came to a standstill behind two men in the front row. Andre came to her rescue and motioned for the two photographers to move to the side to open a spot for Kate. The two photographers obliged, moving to each side as far as they could, showing their disapproval of Andre’s authority by rolling their eyes at each other. Once they repositioned themselves, Kate was able to situate herself in the front row.
“Thank you, boys,” Kate said, mockingly, to the two photographers next to her.
She gave Andre a wink to thank him.
He returned with a wink of his own and exited the press area to assist with the sudden influx of celebrities.
Kate was introduced to Andre through her contact at Variety. Andre immediately took a liking to Kate, telling her he appreciated how pleasantly different she was from the rest of the Hollywood press. Andre also had a crush on Kate. Rather than possibly ruin her red carpet connection, Kate never mentioned her affinity to women when he asked her out on a date. She declined, simply telling him she was seeing someone, which she was at the time.
“I guess it doesn’t matter that we were here first,” Tony, a short and stocky balding paparazzo standing to her left, said.
“You’re such a fucking kiss-ass Kate,” William, a pencil thin, greasy haired paparazzo standing to Kate’s right, spewed.
“It’s not that I’m a kiss-ass. It’s that I’m not an asshole,” Kate replied.
“No, William. She’s got tits and we don’t. He obviously prefers tall blonde bimbos,” Tony spat.
“Too bad he’s not gay. If he let me blow him, I’d have a permanent front row spot,” William said in an overtly effeminate tone.
“I highly doubt that, William. You always reek of dirty wet socks,” Kate mumbled. She looked at her watch and realized she had only a few minutes to set up before the celebrities began corralling into the erratic press area.
She ignored the rest of Tony and William’s nasty comments. She had more important things to do, like focusing on getting her equipment ready. Kate could care less that William and Tony were bothered by her ability to weasel her way into the front of the line at the last minute. It was a cutthroat profession where one had to do what one had to do to get the job done.
It was a much hotter than normal March day in L.A. The air was thick from smog and humidity. Sweat dripped from Kate’s brow and her long, thick curly blonde hair began to frizz from the humidity, weighing heavily on her neck. Kate felt the heat of the sun scorching into her scalp. Luckily she never went anywhere without a hair tie, which she retrieved from her black dress slacks and used to secure her hair into a ponytail on top of her head.
Kate had turned thirty that week, but looked years younger. From an early age, people told her she should model. She had perfect, chiseled facial features and high cheekbones. Her near perfect rosy complexion never required makeup. She rarely applied anything more to her face than lip-gloss and mascara.
The only thing about her body she wanted to change was her breasts. Most women would die to have her perky, 36C breasts. Her ex-girlfriends loved them, but they made her feel like an implant-filled Playboy model.
Kate looked stunning in a form fitting Armani suit, which consisted of a white pant and blazer set with a silk black button down shirt and silver scarf. Kate hated getting dressed up, but the Academy Awards imposed a black tie dress code on the press as well as the attendees.
Feeling uncomfortable as her suit clung to her sweaty appendages and torso, she regretted not buying the full length black spaghetti strap gown she tried on at Fred Segal’s the day before. At the time, she didn’t want to invest in a $2,000 gown she’d probably wear once or twice.
The intense heat and humidity reminded her of her recent trip to Central America. While loading film into her old, beat up Nikon—her tried and true camera that she refused to upgrade to digital—Kate began to daydream about the animals and the people she encountered there. She wished she was still there, taking photos in shorts, a tank top and flip-flops.
Her daydream was short lived when Tony the paparazzo, very loudly, began shouting in her ear, “Angela, Angela. Over hear love!” He was trying to get the attention of Angela Moore, who was entering the red carpet area. Angela was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of the brilliant, yet tragically suicidal poet, Anne Sexton.
Like a trained beauty pageant queen waving from a float, Angela sauntered onto the red carpet and waved to the press and crowd of fans.
Kate fumbled to get the lens cover off of her camera. “Damn it,” she cursed aloud. She didn’t want to miss getting photos of Angela.
Angela was now standing directly in front of Kate, posing and pivoting to show off every angle of her body for the cameras.
“Finally,” Kate sighed in relief when the lens cover popped off. She immediately began clicking away.
Angela, with dark brown, near-black hair and piercing ice blue eyes, eerily resembled Sexton
. She was wearing a vintage Valentino violet gown that accentuated every curve and feature of her body. A huge, flawless, pear shaped diamond, most likely a Harry Winston bauble, hung slightly above her breasts, which peaked out from the plunging neckline of her silk, flowing gown. Her long, dark mane caressed the middle of her bare, open back.
Kate admired the beautiful woman standing before her and thought, my God, she is so perfect, so beautiful; it’s hard to believe she’s real. What I’d give to suck on those full, pouty lips.
Angela repositioned herself and distended her right leg slightly to accentuate the slit in her dress, highlighting her long, perfectly tanned leg.
“Is it true you and Jason are trying to have a baby?” William shouted. Angela was married to Jason Saunders, one of the hottest actors in Hollywood.
Tony followed by yelling, “What’s the real reason you’re taking a break from making movies?”
They are so stupid. Like she’s really going to answer your stupid questions? Kate thought. These idiots really do make the rest of us appear to be insensitive, brainless vultures.
In a loud whisper, Kate could hear William tell Tony, “Ask her if she’s a lesbian. I dare you.”
“Yeah, right. Are you completely out of your mind? She’ll never let me photograph her again. She already hates me for that night outside The Ivy.” Tony was referring to a highly publicized incident in which he ambushed Angela and Jason as they exited the restaurant. Tony accidentally knocked Angela to the ground after he aggressively pushed his way through a crowd of celebrity-watchers to photograph the couple as they exited the club. Jason, in turn, punched Tony in the face and was later arrested for assault and sued by Tony. The charges against Jason were eventually dismissed. However, Tony’s lawsuit is still pending.
Angela ignored the intrusive questions thrown her way by the paparazzi, simply choosing to continue posing in silence and smiling her wide, perfectly white pearly smile. She would save her interview responses for the television reporters.